Hello :), Today I going to talk about CUEVANA, your principal function is entertain to the people, because the website have many sections like films, series, documentaries, there are for all tastes :).
In my opinion is the most website for hang out, is a perfect place that can be used during vacations.
I used this website for see many films :), and see my favorite serie :) which yesterday in Cuevana uploaded a new chapter, and I believe that I seen all serie here.
The time that I assign in the website is relative, but all the weeks is more or less 1 hour, or a few more.
Back, if I describe completly the website the most remarkable is that for acces don't need registration or the most important don't need money, the website is FREE and like say above there are for all tastes, because in this site you can choose by type :).
This website i knew your existence since more or less two or three years, i don't remember good, but i know that fail a subject in the University when i study Chemistry.
In the last time, i don't have many time, and this reason i don't connected for see movies in cuevana, but the last movies that i see any example "ONE DAY" and "A LONELY PLACE TO DIE", both are very several but are very good films.
This link is http://www.cuevana.tv/
I wrote about cuevana too! :( I am not original jaja. Is a great website! and of corse, FREEEEE!!! the best thing in the world!. Grettings! :)